PHYSICAL THERAPY Strength Training + Mobility + Movement Specialist in Pearland, TX

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The physical therapy specialists of PT Mobile are committed to optimizing health and wellness for all individuals, including athletes. Both Rachelle and Kate lead an active lifestyle and are passionate about helping others create and implement a training program that will not only help prevent injuries, but increase the abilities of teenage, young adult, and adult athletes as well.

After a one-on-one assessment by one of our sports physical therapists, we can recommend an individualized preventative physiotherapy program. We focus on body and joint movements, agility, and strengthening physical therapy modalities and exercises.

We have worked extensively in athletic training and sports medicine and have many sport specific strength training and conditioning programs for any athlete, including but not limited to:

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■ Short and Long-distance Runners
■ Triathletes
■ Soccer players
■ Basketball players
■ Baseball players
■ Wrestlers
■ Throwers
■ Rock climbers

Even though we do all we can to prepare you to prevent injuries, we know they happen in the athletic world. If you are injured or experiencing pain, our physical therapy sports specialists provide athletic and sports specific rehab physical therapy in the home to help you return to physical activity as quickly as possible.

PHYSICAL THERAPY for Balance + Gait + Fall Prevention

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When an individual is injury free, they are able to easily balance and support their body as all systems work together seamlessly. Unfortunately, injuries and illnesses can cause an imbalance and lead to gait and balance disorders, creating difficulty as individuals try to perform daily tasks. The goal of gait physical therapy is to improve leg or foot movement by restoring strength and functionality, which leads to increased stability.

Physical therapy for gait and balance targets the problem area that creates discomfort and lack of equilibrium, usually weak muscles and joints. Once the source of dysfunction is identified, our balance and gait physical therapists will create an individualized plan to strengthen weak muscles, joints, and posture, all of which may contribute to increased balance and better mobility.

As a person ages, the risk of falls due to uneven balance and gait problems increases. Our in home senior physical therapy gait wellness services focus on strength training and balance exercises that will improve your mobility and reduce the risk of falls without having to worry about going to a physical therapy clinic. We will work with you one-on-one providing fall prevention physical therapy in the home so you can be confident in your routine and perform tasks of daily living without the worry of injury. We offer this service in a cash based pay model and can provide treatment without a referral from your primary care physician.

Mobile In Home + Virtual Telehealth PHYSICAL THERAPY Services



For mobile or virtual athletic care physical therapy and sports medicine services in Pearland, Alvin, Friendswood, Manvel, Clear Lake, or the greater Houston, TX area, contact us at (713) 678-0715.